Poetry > Worth the fight
11th December 2024
Do the words my wallet keep ring true
Am I the best you ever knew
If those words poured freely from the heart
Then why do I feel ripped apart
Burnt by scorn and withheld praise
Haunted by that indifferent gaze
You say your face mirrors my own
Encumbered by neglect I've shown
I wear my colours on my skin
You've seen my triumphs and my sin
I've burnt my lungs to keep you warm
I've bent myself into your form
Though ceaseless thoughts pull me away
And life's events lead us astray
My writhing mind held space for you
It's not my fault that you withdrew
I longed for your embrace at night
Crawl in my bed and hold me tight
Whisper your needs into my ear
Help me to allay your fear
Teach me the songs that soothe you best
Release upon my open chest
The pain concealed that proves it true
That you need me as I need you
Your silence left me searching blind
I had no window to your mind
You gave me tests with rules unknown
Refused to count the ways I've grown
When all you did was push not pull
And tell me that the cup's half-full
Then as the sun is bound to rise
You doomed our love to slow demise
To know how long you've felt alone
Only now with chances blown
It feels as though you've robbed our youth
How could you withhold this truth
Yet despite the chaos of it all
I swallowed pride and took the fall
Dropped to my knees and begged for you
Reformed the man I thought you knew
I pleaded for you not to run
You flatly stated that it's done
Those stubborn words have bled me raw
Imply a fate I can't endure
If those words I keep are true
That I'm the best you ever knew
Explain to me why you took flight
Why was I not worth the fight