Poetry > The boy I knew
13th December 2024
The boy I knew is dead
A stranger wears his skin
I saw him pass on Chapel Street
Who knows what lurks within
The boy I knew would comfort me
He'd share what's on his mind
He picked me up when I fell down
Would never leave me blind
That stranger broke into our home
A mask upon his face
He stole the clothes that kept us warm
And fled with lightning pace
The boy I knew saw light in me
So bright it lit the way
Past all the petty grievances
So happiness could stay
The stranger told me I was small
He crammed me in a box
He gave me tests that had no key
His heart was bound with locks
The boy I knew took comfort in
My efforts always there
Though needs unmet wore patience thin
There were no doubts of care
The stranger let the clock run out
Enough was never done
With love abated long ago
At least we had our fun
The boy I knew is dead
Yet lives within my heart
Did he ever walk this Earth
Was he imagined from the start